Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What the...?!

You may have noticed that things have changed a bit. For one, I've changed the name of my blog to "Kenny Dirt Jeans." I liked the old name, but it referred to something -- a TV cartoon -- that I don't own. I wanted something I could truly call my own. As to what it means, well, that's a long story.

I've also moved off of Tripod onto Blogspot. I had planned to do this before the Europe trip, but it proved to be a bit more complicated that I had anticipated.

Why fix what ain't broke? For an HTML newbie, Blogspot is a lot easier to use while offering most of the flexibility of my old do-it-yourself approach. Also, the ad-free version of Tripod costs $5 month and doesn't let you host your own ads; Blogspot is free and does.

I tried to keep the visible changes to a minimum, but I also used the move as an opportunity to tweak the look and feel a bit. I still have a bit of work to do in that department, but it should be easier now.

Anyway, welcome to the new site.

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