Friday, September 20, 2002

Plan B

Well it turns out Andrea has to work this weekend, so I don't get to see her. Unfortunately, they also have working the night shift more often, which can't be healthy. She sounds very tired when she calls and had an intense headache when she called this afternoon.

In other news, the Business Journal call us deperately asking for a tape of the video presentation we did last year. We're going to offer to create another copy, but charge them market rate for our time, which isn't cheap. Ah yeah....

I'm driving to Orange County tomorrow to visit Chad. We're not quite sure what the plan is, but I may end up getting my yearly Disneyland pass this month instead of next month as planned. That means I'll have to delay getting this way cool MP3 player.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

One more thing...

I almost forgot: Andrea's coming this weekend! Her Brazilian friend is moving to Orange County, so she's catching a ride.

An LA moment

As I was walking through Westwood tonight to grab some basil from the grocery story and look at the cool new MuVo MP3 player at Circuit City, I passed a red-carpet Hollywood premier event for the new movie "Four Feathers." Tonight's newscast said Britney Spears showed up, but alas, I missed her.

Monday, September 16, 2002

Life in the fast lane.

Ah, it's so nice to have broadband again. Verizon may change my mostly negative view of DSL. They use a technology in which the modem connects directly into the service as if it were a persistent network -- no dial-in, passwords, PPoE, etc. Just plug and play. And it seems much faster than my San Jose service, too.

Speaking of San Jose, I visited Andrea this weekend. We went to San Francisco and took the ferry to a cute little town called Tiberon, where we ate lunch. We also had a fun dinner with our friends Sarah and Geoff. We did a make-your-own pizza and traded our creations amongst each other. At any rate, it was nice to catch up. And in the highlight of the evening, Andrea made one of the best chocolate mousses I've ever had. If I had known she was capable of this, believe me, I would have dated her much sooner.