Tuesday, January 21, 2003

I reorganized my Yahoo briefcase to make room for more picture. They include Andrea's and my trip to Solvang a few months ago and some random shots. I'll put the Monterey pictures back up when I get time.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Reporting from San Jose

I'm seeing Andrea for the first time in more than a month and she's doing just fine. Today we're going clothes shopping, then off to help a friend fix his wireless network, then off to an NFL playoff party by a bunch of Tennessee Titans supporters. We're supposed to give some moral support to Sarah and Geoff, who are Oakland Raiders fans (though both are from Tennessee).

The whole notion of rooting for a particular team is sort of silly. In ancient times -- when a team comprised people from a particular town or region, and people rarely moved far from their birthplace -- I can see identifying with a team. Its triumph over another team, after all, would seem to imply some sense of genetic superiority. But nowadays, a team has little to do with the town they happen to play in. It players change constantly, teams move, and not even the owners live there half the time. So the whole notion of home-team loyalty is a corporate construct. In other words: sports fans = suckers.