Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Economists are cool to stimulus plan

Amazing. Republicans managed to turn a national tragedy into corporate tax cuts.

It's too good to be true: after six months of having to park a mile away in a garage that constantly oversold its spaces, the Business Journal finally got parking across the street. Suddenly I'll have more free time, happier feet and the ability to leave stuff in my car. It's like a dream.

Monday, October 29, 2001

Speaking of simple pleasures:

I got this cool super-backpack, which I believe will make me the ultimate road warrior. I mean, this thing has pockets for everything. The only thing missing was a shoulder-strap holster for my cell phone (the one that came with the backpack was too small), but lo, I saw the perfect holster at an event I was covering called SyncFest and bought it on the spot. So now, I have the perfect traveling setup. NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.