Thursday, August 7, 2003

Oh, and how could I forget...

Schwarzenegger to Davis: Hasta la vista, baby!

Wednesday, August 6, 2003

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger in Surprise Calif. Recall Race Bid

Yahoo! News - Schwarzenegger in Surprise Calif. Recall Race Bid: "Action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger defied predictions, stunned California and frightened Democrats on Wednesday when he announced he would run for governor in a bid to terminate Governor Gray Davis's political career. "


Arnold Schwarzenegger Auditions For New Role -- 'Governator'

Ah yes

Arnold's gift to headline writers

Schwarzenegger Announces Calif. Gov. Bid

Let's see:

"Davis' total recall"
"Arnold to play the Governator"
"Davis Terminated?"
"Arnold confirms he's The Running Man"
"Davis' Judgement Day"

and that's just off the top of my head.

At any rate, I think Davis might be in trouble.

Sunday, August 3, 2003

Purported al-Qaida message warns U.S. on detainees

Here's why it's hard to take threats like this too seriously: they're already "at war" with us and, presumably, trying their best to attack us again. There's no such thing as going after us "110%."