Saturday, December 27, 2003

Remember those Bush officials who said the nation's meat supply is safe? They were lying.

As Probe of Infected Cow Spreads, So Does Worry:

"Already, consumers who ate meat that might have come from the sick Holstein are concerned. Grocery stores were shipped ground beef and beef patties from meat that included the infected cow 11 days before a test for mad cow disease came back positive and the meat was recalled -- it is not yet known how much of the meat was pulled off grocery shelves or has been consumed. "

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Because Ashcroft is too busy reviewing you library records!

Now It's a Scandal - New evidence that a House GOP leader offered a bribe.

From Slate's Timothy Noah:

What does a guy have to do to get a congressional bribe investigated? Even making allowances for slow readers, John Ashcroft's Justice Department is taking an awfully long time to decide whether to do anything about the (unsuccessful) attempt to bribe Rep. Smith.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yes, I felt it, and yes, I'm OK.

Three Killed in Strong California Coast Earthquake

I've been in several minor earthquakes now, and this one -- a long side-to-side motion -- was the most unnerving.