Friday, January 4, 2002

It looks like the war honeymoon is over;

Simple Gifts - How Bush's shallowness makes him a good war president. By Jacob Weisberg

Also, see item below...

Daschle attacks Bush on deficits

Finally, someone noticed that last year's tax cuts were bad.

Tuesday, January 1, 2002

How's this for the start of a New Year: I woke up at 11:30 or so, played Tribes 2, went back to sleep, woke up, took a shower, and for a highlight, visted the giant downtown San Jose Fry's I didn't realize is there until about a week ago. It even has a cafe that serves a pretty decent Tuna Melt.

Last night was fun. I went down to Santa Cruz and met up with my buddy Murray and his wife for First Night, an arts program started in Boston that now includes 200 cities. We had an awesome dinner and saw a couple of performances, including a ska band and a blues duo.

But it's time to get back to work. I dread going back to the office tomorrow. But I guess I should be happy I have a job.

Happy New Year! Let's hope 2002 is better than 2001.

Monday, December 31, 2001

I've always suspected that the graphics department girls despise the reporters here, but now I finally know for sure: the one I really hate just asked who makes the Xbox, obviously having not bothered to read even one of several stories I've done on the subject. When my editor told her, the other graphics girl said "Really?"

I hate that department.

In case you were wondering, snakes do pee and poop.

Don't believe me? Ask Earl