Saturday, December 28, 2002

Chrismas vacation, continued...

I did pretty much nothing today. I tired doing some shoppng but didn't find the amazing deals the newspapers keep talking about in this so-called buyers market (see this on why this may not be the case). But I did use my Borders gift certificate to subscribe to Dwell magazine. I might do the same for Metropolis later. This wireless network of Mike's keeps disconnecting, so I'd better file this while I'm still online.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Christmas pics

Here are a few little scenes from our holiday...

Merry Christmas!

We've just opened all our presents and are getting ready to eat the traditional holiday lunch. We were up late last night inflating the 34-inch "Bigens" ball. It was a bastard to pump up, but getting the plug in was the hardest part.

I got a Star Wars II DVD and a Border's gift cetificate. I think I'll get an architecture magazine subscription with it, if they do that there. Otherwise, maybe just a programming book or something.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Lott: 'I fell into ... trap' set by foes

"When you’re from Mississippi and you’re a conservative and you’re a Christian, there are a lot of people that don’t like that. I fell into their trap and so I have only myself to blame," he says.

On the contrary, Trent, it was your fellow Southern Christian conservatives -- Bill Frist, George Allen, Don Nickles, John Warner, Robert Bennett, Mitch McConnell, Kay Bailey Hutchison and Christopher Bond, to name a few -- who most wanted you gone. So the religious right's knee-jerk cry of liberal oppression doesn't quite work this time.