Saturday, March 17, 2001

I ended up going to Santa Cruz today, and as I was heading down Riverside I noticed the Peter Pan Motel, the infamous home of my 1989 summer project with Campus Crusade for Christ. (I particpated my freshman year of college at Arizona State, long before I moved here,) Sure enough, the marquee sign read "Campus Crusade for Christ." Funny thing is, I don't remember those things starting until April or May. But at any rate, I saw a young-looking group milling around the grounds, which brought back all sorts of memories. That was me 12 years ago! Very strange.

The day also got me thinking about something S.L. said on Friday, when I was trying to decide between Santa Cruz and San Francisco. San Fran is good when you have something in mind to do, she said, but Santa Cruz is a place you can "just be." How true. I don't know whether things have always been this way, but public spaces -- places to just sit and be -- seem progressively sparse. These days, people gather in places like malls and bookstores, where a person has to purchase the right to spend time. BTW, the price for sitting in Borders and typing this up was $6.47: $4.75 for the tuna sandwich (with mustard -- ugh) and Lays Classic chips, $1.25 for the 16 oz. Hi-C lemonade and 47 cents in state tax for ordring it "for here" instead of "to go." Even government wants you to cough up the cash to just be.

Friday, March 16, 2001

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Darn. The pld phone turned up.

Thursday, March 15, 2001

We lost yet another softball game tonight. Slaughtered is probably a more apt description. Unfortunately, about half of the other team failed to show, so the coaches replaced AWOL players with field groupies -- those college and high school atheletes who didn't make it to the pros but love to hang out at ameteur facilities and beat the crap out of teams like ours. S.L. is filing a formal complaint, and we'll definitely look for another facility to play a spring league. Bastards.

That wasn't the end of our crappy night, though. Milpitas had a power outage that knocked out all the street lights, so S.L., G.E. and I got stuff in a city-wide traffic jam. And to top it off, I lost my cell phone. Maybe this gives me an excuse to buy one of these SmartPhones. I'll make a token effort to find the old one, but if I can't, I have no choice but to purchase the new one.

Yee-haw! More good news.

You gotta love those California summers.

Okay, after completely losing this page in a freak accident involving frames and the redirect function of the company that actually owns the URL, I've finally got things back up again. Funny how quick and easy it was the second time around.

Hopefully, I'll learn how to post photos through Blogger soon so this entire page isn't plain old boring text. We'll see. And if all goes well, I'll have the Flash menu up and running by this weekend. Don't count on it, though. This weekend will be the first confluence of warm weather and my health in a long time, so I'm planning to go to either San Fransisco or Santa Cruz this weekend. Woo-hoo!

Wednesday, March 14, 2001

Finally, a reason to amend the Constitutuion. The North will rise again!

Well, here it is, my brand new Web site. Many people -- and by "many," I mean "imaginary" -- have asked me why I'd so drastically change my old site. One, it was just time for a change. I wanted something that looked as fresh as a newly opened Mentos. Second and more important, I wanted to do certain things with the site I just couldn't with Yahoo, as much as I love that family of services. These easy-as-pie updates, which you're seeing now, is a big one. I have less time and energy to do the frequent updates, but Blogger will make it a whole lot easier to write up my rants, which despite the impression you may have gotten with the old site, are actually getting more frequent. Soon, I hope to put up a Flash menu and all sorts of goodies. And future redesigns should prove much easier. But for now, this will have to suffice. Welcome back!