Tuesday, March 4, 2003

More job news

Andrea's interview went well today, but they indicated that they're interviewing a designer from the L.A. Times next week with 13 years' experience. But the women said she'd really like to hire another woman. Let's hope the L.A. Times guy is asking for too much money.

Also, Andrea's union leader said they'll try to make sure she gets called into work three or more times a week. Let's hope that happens.

And in a shocking development, The San Jose Business Journal laid off five more people today. No word on whom.

The Bush recovery continues...


Everyone say happy birthday to Andrea. She's 30! (Actually it was on Monday, but I didn't get a chance to update the blog).

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Play detective!

Do these picture look even remotely alike? If I saw the guy on the bottom walking down the street, I would have never guessed it's the same guy as the one on the left. Be glad I'm a journalist and not a CIA agent.