Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Monday, February 3, 2003

So much to write about, so little time.

Obviously, the Columbia disaster came as a shock. Like a lot of little kids, I wanted to be an astronaut growing up, and I used to be a huge shuttle fan. I remember a neighbor giving me a shuttle "owner's manual" that I read over and over and from cover to cover. And I still remember seeing those heat tiles falling off of Columbia in the late 1970s in NASA's first real-world test flights, when it would piggyback jumbo jets on cross-country flights. But on Saturday, I didn't even realize a shuttle was even up in space, much less the Columbia.

Andrea came for the weekend, and as usual, we had a really good time. We mostly hung out in Santa Monica, saw a Brazilian movie called "City of God" that's been getting good reviews (extremely violent, but good) and even tried a new restaurant (it was OK). She flew back this afternoon.

That's it for now. I'll try to update in the next couple of days.