Friday, July 9, 2004

Surprise, surprise

Pentagon: Some Bush records destroyed

If this were about the Clintons, the wingnuts would be all over this.

Thursday, July 8, 2004

And he's supposed to be one of the party's moderates

California education chief calls preschooler 'stupid dirty girl'

State Education Secretary Richard Riordan jokingly told a child her name, Isis, meant "stupid dirty girl," prompting the head of the California NAACP on Thursday to call for his resignation.

Riordan, the wealthy former Los Angeles mayor known for his support of public schools, startled even friends last week with the comments at a promotional event for summer reading at the Santa Barbara library.

Godspeed, little package!

My new computer is finally on its way, having just left FedEx's Phoenix sorting facility en route from New Mexico.

One would think that since Hewlett-Packard and I are both located in the Bay Area, the route would be a little more direct. This crazy global economy of ours.

Nonetheless, I am days away from having a reasonably speedy computer, just in time for Star Wars: Battlefront and Tribes:Vengence!

Oh, and work-related stuff, of course.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Sunday, July 4, 2004

And then he told the crowd to go F- themselves

Yahoo! News - Cheney Fires Back in Debate Over Values: "Firing back in the debate over American values, Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) used his first campaign bus tour Saturday to label Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) 'on the left, out of the mainstream and out of touch with the conservative values of the heartland.' "

Bush salutes patriotism in West Virginia visit

MSNBC - Bush salutes patriotism in West Virginia visit: "the war in Iraq, President Bush said on Independence Day that America is safer because Saddam Hussein is in a prison cell."

Needless to say, 863 dead Americans would beg to differ -- especially considering that the number of Americans killed by Sadam or any other Iraqi since the Gulf War was exactly zero.