Saturday, January 26, 2002

I've upgraded to the new BloggerPro, so expect more pictures with posts soon!

Friday, January 25, 2002

Oh wait, we do.

Enron-o-Rama: From Scandal to Spectacle By Rob Walker

Ex-Enron vice chair commits suicide

Keeping in mind that this guy was an internal whistle-blower, where are all the Vince Foster-era presidential conspiracy theorists now? Man, I wish we Democrats had a kooky religious fringe.

Thursday, January 24, 2002

I had to sit in a room full of Republicans this week to help out our political reporter (the first GOP gubernatorial debate) and was reminded again why I despise the GOP. Of course, the leading Republican candidate, former LA mayor Richard Riordan, would be a Democrat if he were running in Arizona. If you think CEO's of tech startup companies crave media attention, get within 50 feet of a campaign event with a notepad in your hand.

And while I'm on the topic of angry mobs: if you think Mormons and Scientologists are cults, try offending Apple fans. This was just one of a flood of angry letters over this story. Can you find the offensive paragraph? (That's a trick question: the letter-writers were offended by the paragraph we forgot to include, one equating Steve Jobs with God.)

Monday, January 21, 2002

How, in the name of everything that is good and holy, did this nut-job get his own show?

TNR Online | The Real Enron Scandal by the Editors

Once again, policy does matter.