Saturday, December 14, 2002

Another funny one...

...from Tom Tomorrow.

I love L.A.?

I finally switched my address for my insurance policy, and my rate more than doubled! USAA says it's because there's so much more traffic and so many more uninsured motorists (i.e. undocumented immigrants).

Man, that sucks. It's so hard to stay ahead financially.

I'm in San Jose right now, visiting Andrea one last time before she leaves for Brazil. I won't see her (except via videoconference) for more than a month.


Friday, December 13, 2002

Kissinger out as head of 9/11 panel


Of course, he's resigning for all the wrong reasons. He didn't want to have to make his client list public.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Still not convinced?

More dirt on Trent Lott.

Stick a fork in him -- he's done

Trent Lott's Segregationist College Days

I was willing to believe that he didn't really mean he favored segregation when praising Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, but after his halfhearted apology and now this, he's got to go.

And I must say it's pretty sad to note that, after Tom Daschle defended the remarks, it was George W. Bush who finally spoke out firmly against them. Yet another example of spineless Democrats missing an opportunity to take the moral high ground.