Saturday, April 14, 2001

Wow, I've been playing Tribes 2 so much since it arrived that I'm losing all sense of time and reality. Trust me, it's a sad way to spend one's Friday night. I don't know how long I was palying last night, but I slept till noon this morning and immediately started playing when I woke up. And now I'll be late to the Newshounds party. At the risk of sounding like a bigger geek than I already do, let me just say this game is awesome.


Friday, April 13, 2001

For the record, I hate Sarah Lacy.

They've sissified my Mach III.

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

In other news, my angry letter to SONICblue worked. They admitted that some early units had a design flaw that made them susceptable to static electricity damage and offered to replace the unit for free. Now let's hope this one doesn't die.

Monday, April 9, 2001

Sad but true.

This just in from Matt:

I got something for your website. I met the guys from Creed this weekend at the Solid Rock golf tournament and they are the biggest jerks in the world.

You can quote me on that.

Thanks, Matt.