Saturday, July 19, 2003

Happy Birthday to me...

Yes I'm 34, and boy, do I feel old.

Andrea organized a birthday dinner for me in Palo Alto, and I got to see some old friends from the newspaper. The dinner was great -- a little Italian place we'd never heard of -- with an odd mixture of Brazilians and Americans. Concidentally, there was another American with a Brazilian significant. She's from Phoenix, went to ASU and knows a good friend of mine from school. Small planet.

Why Bush's intellectual curiosity matters

Warning in Iraq Report Unread

President Bush and his national security adviser did not entirely read the most authoritative prewar assessment of U.S. intelligence on Iraq, including a State Department claim that an allegation Bush would later use in his State of the Union address was "highly dubious," White House officials said yesterday.

Remember the notion during the '00 campaign that it didn't matter whether Bush was studious, or even smart? Now it seems his so-called leadership -- or the thoughtless, unquestioning self-confidence that passes for it -- got us into an expensive war we didn't need to start.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Car Plows Through Crowd in Santa Monica, Killing 9

Car Plows Through Crowd in Santa Monica, Killing 9

Yes, this is a big story. But 50 reporters (yes, I counted) to cover it? That's more than they had covering the Iraq war!

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

What he said

War, lies and yellowcake

"My sense is, they really did believe they were going to find WMDs, and that it was therefore okay to lie about it beforehand, because they knew they’d ultimately be vindicated. Of course, they also thought they could just install Ahmed Chalabi as some sort of Presidential Puppetman and retreat into the sunset to a soundtrack of cheering Iraqi throngs. This is what happens when you have CEO’s running a government like a business: no one around them is in a position to tell them that they are living in a fantasy world. And when reality fails to conform to their fantasies, they are perhaps the most shocked of all."