Saturday, February 16, 2002

I just took Andrea to the airport and now I am feeling sick again. I think I've actually been sick all week but too busy to notice. Now I will get some sweet, sweet sleep. ZZZZZzzzzzzz...

Friday, February 15, 2002

Here's my very late Friday Five:

1. What was the first thing you ever cooked?
I have no idea, but in 7th grade everyone had to take both home economics and shop (quite a gender-progressive requirement in the heart of the Bible Belt, Oklahoma), meaning all the girls had shop class and all the boys had home economics at least one semester. Anyway, this is where I learned to cook. The only thing I can remember actually making, though, was a V-shaped cookie in a desperate attempt at extra credit in geography class, taught by Mr. Victor or Vickson, or some other V-named instructor. I did get the extra credit, but that didn't help my grade much. I aced home economics, though.

2. What's your signature dish?
Spaghetti. Ah, yeah.

3. Ever had a cooking disaster? (tasted like crap, didn't work, etc.) Describe.
The "Great Chocolate Chex Experiment." In theory, it sounded great -- I love Rice Chex cereal, I love Hershey's chocolate syrup. Why not combine them into something doubly delicious? The actual product was a disaster.

4. If skill and money were no object, what would make for your dream meal?
Capellini Pomodoro, which I understand takes only a little bit of skill and a little bit of money. I really ought to learn how to cook.

5. What are you doing this weekend?
I'm starting the Friday Five so late that my weekend has already started. I went shopping with my girlfriend -- she spent $138 at Walgreen's alone -- and we went out for dinner at a Greasy Tony's-type place in downtown Sunnyvale. Tomorrow I take her to the airport for her week-long trip to Brazil, and I suppose I spend the rest of the weekend pre-girlfriend style: back to Fry's and Barnes & Noble. I'm sure they've missed me.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

An excellent proposal for a Sept. 11 memorial. Slate wrote a piece on it, but other than that, I've seen nothing in the media about this.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002 - Alert issued for potential teddy bear bombs

If you receive this bear for Valentine's Day, you may want to re-evaluate your relationship. (Thanks to Chad for this item.)

Heinz launches chocolate fries

I love progress.

Star Wars Galaxies - Official Site

I may have found my new favorite game. I hope this comes out soon.

‘Highest alert’ after FBI warning

It's just after midnight Wednesday morning and still no attack. I guess we'll have to go back to reporting on the Olympics and Enron.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Be on the lookout for these men.

I was sick today, so I stayed home, sleeping and watching TV. I think I'll be able to go to work tomorrow, but man, it sure was nice staying home for the day. I still have so much work to do this week...