Friday, March 28, 2003

Well, what do you know? Diplomacy does matter.

Missteps with Turkey prove costly

Still #1

But barely. We lost two games to tie for 1st, in which the number of total points determines the winner. We have an ever-so-slight lead.

Good news for Andrea, too. She's gotten the Ok from everyone she needs to do the cross-training in editorial. So let's hope she's doing real graphic design soon.

Sunday, March 23, 2003

12 U.S. troops presumed captured

12 U.S. troops presumed captured

On CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Rumsfeld said that if those are coalition soldiers being shown on the Al-Jazeera TV footage, “those pictures are a violation of the Geneva Convention.”

If the Iraqi's killed soldiers execution style, then someone's getting tried for war crimes. But as far as showing them on TV, I don't see the difference between an Iraqi state-run TV showing these images, and the U.S. military letting CNN and others show Iraqi POWs yesterday.