Thursday, November 9, 2006

Too cool for words.


Wal-Mart opts for ‘Christmas’ marketing

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Christmas cheer seems to be a hot trend this season as several other retailers including Kohl’s Corp. and Macy’s, a division of Federated Department Stores Inc., are also stepping up their Christmas marketing. The moves respond to mounting criticism from religious groups that staged boycotts against Wal-Mart and other merchants after they eliminated or de-emphasized “Christmas” in their advertising.

Because there's nothing Jesus wants more than to see his birth turned into a way for retail chains to boost shareholder returns -- during a traditional pagan holiday, no less. Cha-ching!


Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Real ‘OC’ Starts Objecting to Its MTV Portrayal

"This is not depicting our town the way it should be depicted,” said Lisa Arthur, who has two children in the school and one who graduated. “Our town is about art and culture, and school should be about education."

Really? This is Orange County we're talking about, right?


Source: Real ‘OC’ Starts Objecting to Its MTV Portrayal - New York Times

GOP: Rumsfeld stepping down

Wow, that was fast. 


Better than I could have possibly imagined.

Finally, a return to sanity.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Vote today

 If the Democrats can't win in this environment, they just can't win.

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