Friday, February 8, 2002

Here's my Friday Five. It's a semi-risque Valentine's Day set of questions, and like several other participants, I'm exercising my right to pass on a couple of them:

1. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone else?
I've written plenty of silly songs for girls I had crushes on, serenading them with my limited guitar-playing skills. That's too many songs, and too few chords.
2. [pardon the Cosmo question] What are your erogenous zones?
Chest and neck. And the usual manly places.
3. How old were you the first time you had sex? Care to expound?
4. What's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?
5. Do you have plans for Valentine's Day or is it just another Thursday?
Actually, this is the first Valentine's Day I've had a girlfriend, as far as I can remember. Since she reads this Web site regularly, I won't reveal what the evening has in store. Disclaimer: Due to my Valentine's Day inexperience, I'm asking for special leniency if my activities are insufficiently romantic.

Thursday, February 7, 2002

OK, here's what I wanted to write about last night:

I've never seen such a black-white contrast in the way we business reporters are treated by big tech companies than I have in the last two days. On Tuesday, I went to Nvidia's launch event for its new GeForce 4 processors, where we press got the royal treatment. We got a big show at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, were well fed and liquored up, and even got a goodie bag that included a pretty nice sport jacket.

The next day, I went to PalmSource, where I and other journalists were told that we could have only Expo passes because "there are limited press resources." When I explained that I didn't need access to the press room, only the keynote talks, the registration officials wouldn't budge. And judging from the nonexistent lines, there was no way those keynotes were anywhere close to full. Needless to say, the event didn't get any coverage from the Business Journal. Actually, neither the the Nvidia event. So I suppose it doesn't matter.

Anyway, here's my first impression of the GeForce 4 graphics chips: they're good, but I wouldn't recommend buying them just yet. They're not completely DirectX 8 compliant, most games won't even begin to use their most advance features for a year, and there should be some pretty nice bargains on the GeForce 3 cards now. Also, the low-end GF4s don't perform much better than the bargain-basement GF2s).

So very, very tired. I have much to write, but I'll have to save it for later...

Monday, February 4, 2002

Alright, Fox News, what have you done with the real Greta Van Susteren? - Man convicted in wife's killing wants state to pay for sex change

"He claims in a lawsuit that the corrections department is violating his civil rights and subjecting him to cruel and unusual punishment by refusing to provide treatment for his gender identity disorder. He said he suffers continuous depression, anxiety and a high level of stress as a result of being denied treatment."

Are those symptoms consistent with simply being in prison?

‘Sesame Street’ gets a makeover

They're dumbing down Sesame Street! Please help me organize a consumer boycott to urge the letters P and L and the number 5 to withdraw their sponsorship of the show.

Sunday, February 3, 2002