Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bush and the evildoers agree on something

MSNBC - Militants warn Iraqis not to vote on Jan. 30: "The radical Ansar al-Sunnah Army and two other insurgent groups issued a statement Thursday warning that democracy was un-Islamic. Democracy could lead to passing un-Islamic laws, such as permitting homosexual marriage, if the majority or people agreed to it, the statement said."

Monday, December 27, 2004

Jet Is an Open Secret in Terror War

This story (reg required) is an interesting example of how the blogs and journalism mix. I was impressed with the amount of research that went into this story until I got to the jump and realized that hobbyist Bloggers had done much of the work.

In this case, it works -- a reporter can't be everywhere at once and has only so much time to work on the story. The more participants, the better.