Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Redfin defects from Microsoft to Google

I meant to mention this when I first read it over the weekend -- it’s been thoroughly warmed over now -- but real-estate Web site Redfin has switched completely to Google Maps from Microsoft’s Live Maps service. Redfin said it liked Microsoft’s technology, but that Google’s maps are much faster.

That’s pretty much been my experience. I love showing people the 3-D and bird’s-eye view on Live Maps, but when it comes down to trying to find something fast, I always gravitate to Google Maps.

This is probably true of most of Microsoft’s Live services -- they’re just not fast enough. Hotmail has gotten noticeably faster in recent weeks, but everything else seems kind of pokey.

From my television family to yours…

Here’s a timely Christmas project I did a couple of years ago for a class I was taking. Enjoy!

Yes, I know. It takes forever to load. It was an intro to Flash class, OK?

Monday, December 15, 2008

CBS on the mortgage meltdown

It gets scarier.