Saturday, June 30, 2007

I love upgrades

One of the things I love the most is when something I already use and like gets better. And that's what has happened with Google Maps and Plaxo.

Google Maps, which long ago passed by beloved Yahoo in the online mapping arena, added a new feature that lets users change the routes generated when asking for driving directions. This can be useful if you want to, say, avoid a particular area on your route or take a scenic detour.

It's a feature would often use in Microsoft Streets & Trips (can you tell I'm a map nut?), but now it's free. This is on top of the very cool "street view" feature the company recently launched.

Here's a demonstration from the Google folks:

Plaxo, meanwhile, just launched version 3.0 of the service that focuses much more on online calendars.

This is exactly the right move, I think. The 6-year-old company is best known for its address book synchronizer, an Outlook plug-in that automatically updates contact info changes of Plaxo subscribers in your address book. But most users didn't know that the plug-in was also a pretty easy way to synch your Outlook calendar, notes and tasks between different machines. Everything happened in the background -- no fuss, no muss.

The new version (which incorporates Plaxo's acquisition of HipCal last year) takes that several steps further. First, Plaxo beefed up its online calendar offerings, making it easier to access one's own schedule online and letting users publish free and busy times so other users can see it. Even cooler, Plaxo now lets users sync Outlook with Yahoo and Google's online calendars. Very Web 2.0 of them.

The new version is still in beta -- and it shows. In my tests, it took the service several hours to update Google Calendar after I made changes in Outlook and vice-versa. But if the company can getting working as advertised, it'll attract a lot of attention.

Heck, Google might even buy it.

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