Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things my 2-year-old daughter will probably never do

  • Rent a movie from a video-rental store
  • Purchase a compact disc
  • Dial a phone number (in the original sense of the word)
  • Use a non-VoIP landline phone
  • Deal with a utility’s meter-reader

Am I missing anything?

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne5:44 PM

    I thought of this list today. We were at the Little Rock Central High museum that tells you all about the big event of The Little Rock Nine of 1957. They had a phone in the exibit that was an old rotary that you could dial on. Katey looked at it, and said "What is this? It's so cool" I showed her how we had to dial phone numbers when we where kids. She found it fascinating how we had to dial our phones way back when. Hahaha.
