Thursday, January 4, 2007

So THAT's why it's so addictive...

 Xbox designers explain the strange appeal of the system's Achievement Points system...

It's so clever," he says. "I mean, it's just a score. You may say it can't be used for anything, but gamers use them for pride. They're pride points! You can compare it to the feeling you get when you pull up to a restaurant in a Lamborghini. People go, 'Oooo, he must be somebody.' In the virtual world of gaming, points create that same sense of rank and envy, and that's why gamers have latched onto them. I read that people are picking up the Burger King Xbox games just so they can score additional points. If that doesn't prove how well this program is working, nothing does."

Not that I would ever resort to playing something as lame as, say Uno, for the easy gamer points..


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