Friday, August 20, 2004


Bush, his familyhave many ties to Swift Boat vets: "The veterans%27 group behind the controversial TV ads that question Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam war record has extensive ties to President Bush and his family, other high-profile Texas politicians and Bush's chief political aide -- ties that have raised questions about possible illegal coordination between Bush's re-election campaign and the group."


  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    And, what? Senator Kerry doesn't have questionable ties as well within his spin machine?

    The truth is both sides can throw an equal amount of mud at one another.

    The fair and balanced approach to the election craze is to ask ourselves what is BEST for our thousands of men and women in uniform overseas, and, most importantly, what DO the TERRORISTS want?

    Answer: Continuity for the troops - let them finish what they started, otherwise it WILL be a Vietnam.

    Answer: The terrorists fear Bush, and that's the bottom line. My husband, a somewhat high ranking military officer, is presently in South Korea. He told me that yesterday, the North Koreans announced their support of John Kerry.

    That's HUGE, and that's FRIGHTENING. The public (meaning you and I who are not policy makers or privileged to know sensitive information), must stop and think about what we DON'T know.

    Every one of those Senators and politicians who ARE privileged to such information are VERY aware of what went down prior to Bush's decision to go to Iraq. Consider what they are sworn NOT to tell the public, due to sensitivity and security, and know that the dems know that they can cry foul all they want, and no one can dispute it - as that would mean divulging classified information.

    It's what we DON'T know that we need to be aware of.

    The media is leading us around by our noses and we're buying it...

    Wake up. Terrorism is our NUMBER ONE concern right now. People say it's worse now than before because of Iraq? GOOD! This means we are flushing the worms out of their hell holes, and picking them off. They are coming out in DROVES.... have you noticed?

    If we had NOT gone into Iraq - ask yourselves - would we KNOW just HOW many Muslim extremists are truly out there?

    Pretty amazing, isn't it, that we are discovering it's more than just Bin Laden.

    Let's continue flushing them out.... bring them out into the open.

    Another bit of good news is that we now know we can NEVER never NEVER depend on the French or the Germans to come to our aide at ANY time.

    They KNEW we'd come across incriminating information on their dealings with Saddam... (and Russia's footsie under the table dealings)... they'd rather sit and watch our men and women DIE than risk being "found out" (which is happening anyway).

    Sit and think, people. Turn off your t.v.s, ignore Michael Moore... and use your God Given Brains... and think.

    Think about Spain, and how the terrorists got what they wanted via fear. Is that how America wants to be controlled?


  2. You're basing your vote on what you think the terrorists do or do not want? Or what you think our dear leaders know (but, naturally, can't tell us)? THAT'S scary. It's not as if conservatives were giving Clinton the benefit of the doubt. In fact, I remember shouts of "wag the dog!" when he was bombing Bin Laden.

    The fact is, neither of us know what the terrorists want. The Iraq invasion was a boon to Al Queda recruiters, and Bin Laden is still free. Sounds like they have it pretty good under Bush. Maybe next time we're attacked, our president won't sit there, stunned, reading "The Pet Goat" to school children.

    And stop with the "liberal media" bellyaching. It's old. You have your Fox News, and even the New York Times was letting the White House dictate news coverage before and during the war. Now, not even the military thinks things are going well there. And as for Germany's, France's and Russia's dealings with Iraq, you might want to ask Dick "Go F- Yourself" Cheney why his company is dealing with muslim extremists rights across the border.

    And FYI, neither Kerry nor any of the other democratic contenders -- except Kucinich, who never had a chance -- has called for the U.S. to cut and run. Unfortunately, you're right. We're stuck with the stupid decisions of a stupid man.

    Get a clue.
