Friday, February 8, 2002

Here's my Friday Five. It's a semi-risque Valentine's Day set of questions, and like several other participants, I'm exercising my right to pass on a couple of them:

1. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for someone else?
I've written plenty of silly songs for girls I had crushes on, serenading them with my limited guitar-playing skills. That's too many songs, and too few chords.
2. [pardon the Cosmo question] What are your erogenous zones?
Chest and neck. And the usual manly places.
3. How old were you the first time you had sex? Care to expound?
4. What's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?
5. Do you have plans for Valentine's Day or is it just another Thursday?
Actually, this is the first Valentine's Day I've had a girlfriend, as far as I can remember. Since she reads this Web site regularly, I won't reveal what the evening has in store. Disclaimer: Due to my Valentine's Day inexperience, I'm asking for special leniency if my activities are insufficiently romantic.

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